Those were Mama Marian's exact words today as we waited for her Avastin infusion. After an anxiety-filled morning, we received good news today from Dr. Drappatz. Mom's MRI is stable and he is very impressed with the shrinkage of the tumor. The Avastin has shrunk the tumor down considerably, in fact it is as small as it will ever be. We are so happy and glad!
The pain that Mom has been experiencing continues to be unbearable at times and has made any kind of walking/exercise/physical therapy extremely difficult. Dr. Drappatz believes that her entire leg is increasingly stiff because of the neurological damage from the tumor, which is not expected to improve. However, some of the discomfort around her knee area is a result of muscle damage after her fall a month ago. She still has some bruising around her knee and will need to follow up for an orthopedic evaluation to see if she may need surgery. Maybe Mama Marian and Jody can get dueling knee surgeries to streamline the process...
On another very bright note, the fundraiser cocktail party was a huge success in so many ways. As you can see in the picture above, Mama Marian (aka "Cosmo Girl") enjoyed herself to no end. She was so excited to see so many friends, family, and co-workers and has not stopped talking about it since. Thanks to an outpouring of unbelievable generosity, it looks like we will be able to afford about three more months of home health care for Mama Marian!!! This is HUGE and we are so, so, so grateful to Jeannie, Mary, and everyone for a very fun evening and for the peace of mind that is beyond priceless.